Just as the equation x^2+3x==2 asserts that x^2+3x is equal to 2, so also the inequality x^2+3x>2 asserts that x^2+3x is greater than 2. In Mathematica, Reduce works not only ...
Mathematica has three functions for generating pseudorandom numbers that are distributed uniformly over a range of values. Pseudorandom number generation. Generating tables ...
StemExponent is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies the integer power of 10 to be used as the stem unit.
ConstantArray[c, n] generates a list of n copies of the element c.ConstantArray[c, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists containing copies of the ...
Decompose[poly, x] decomposes a polynomial, if possible, into a composition of simpler polynomials.
EdgeCount[g] gives a count of the number of edges in the graph g.EdgeCount[g, patt] gives a count of the number of edges that match the pattern patt.
InverseWaveletTransform[dwd] gives the inverse wavelet transform of a DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.InverseWaveletTransform[dwd, wave] gives the inverse transform using the ...
PermutationList[perm] returns a permutation list representation of permutation perm.PermutationList[perm, len] returns a permutation list of length len.
Quotient[m, n] gives the integer quotient of m and n. Quotient[m, n, d] uses an offset d.
RandomSample[{e_1, e_2, ...}, n] gives a pseudorandom sample of n of the e_i.RandomSample[{w_1, w_2, ...} -> {e_1, e_2, ...}, n] gives a pseudorandom sample of n of the e_i ...