Probability[pred, x \[Distributed] dist] gives the probability for an event that satisfies the predicate pred under the assumption that x follows the probability distribution ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reduce[expr, vars] reduces the statement expr by solving equations or inequalities for vars and eliminating quantifiers. Reduce[expr, vars, dom] does the reduction over the ...
Groups admit many different representations. In particular, all finite groups can be represented as permutation groups, that is, they are always isomorphic to a subgroup of ...
NewtonCotesWeights[n, a, b] gives a list of the n pairs {x_i, w_i} of the elementary n-point Newton-Cotes formula for quadrature on the interval a to b, where w_i is the ...
ChartStyle is an option for charting functions that specifies styles in which chart elements should be drawn.
DistributionParameterAssumptions[dist] gives a logical expression for assumptions on parameters in the symbolic distribution dist.
FindEdgeCover[g] finds an edge cover of the graph g with a minimum number of edges.
LineSpacing is an option for Style and Cell that specifies the spacing between successive lines of text.
MeshFunctions is an option for plotting functions that specifies functions to use to determine the placement of mesh divisions.
PermutationOrder[perm] gives the order of permutation perm.