Expression is a symbol that represents an ordinary Mathematica expression in Read and related functions.
MessagePacket[symbol, string] is a MathLink packet containing a Mathematica message identifier of the form symbol::string.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) OverDot[expr] displays with a dot over expr.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) OverHat[expr] displays with a hat over expr.
OverTilde[expr] displays with a tilde over expr.
OverVector[expr] displays with a right vector over expr.
PrintPrecision is an option for selections that specifies the maximum number of digits used for displaying a machine-precision number.
SameTest is an option whose setting gives a pairwise comparison function to determine whether expressions should be considered the same.
SelectionMove[obj, dir, unit] moves the current selection in an open notebook in the front end in the direction dir by the specified unit. SelectionMove[obj, dir, unit, n] ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Setting[expr] replaces control objects such as sliders or popup menus in expr by their settings.