In most cases, you want the head f of a Mathematica expression like f[x] to be a single symbol. There are, however, some important applications of heads that are not symbols. ...
Important points to remember in Mathematica. If you have used other computer systems before, you will probably notice some similarities and some differences. Often you will ...
Here is the integral ∫x^n dx in Mathematica. Here is a slightly more complicated example. Mathematica knows how to do almost any integral that can be done in terms of ...
There are a number of functions built into Mathematica which, like Plot, have various options you can set. Mathematica provides some general mechanisms for handling such ...
Converting between symbols and their names. Here is the symbol x. Its name is a string.
Mathematica normally assumes that all your variables are global. This means that every time you use a name like x, Mathematica normally assumes that you are referring to the ...
(Mathematica Tutorial) On most computer systems, Mathematica can produce not only graphics but also sound. Mathematica treats graphics and sound in a closely analogous way. For example, just as you ...
This constructs the sum ∑_(i=1)^7 (x^i)/(i) . You can leave out the lower limit if it is equal to 1. This makes i increase in steps of 2, so that only odd-numbered values are ...
Mathematica is one of the more complex software systems ever constructed. It is built from several million lines of source code, written in C/C++, Java and Mathematica. The C ...
For minimization problems for which the objective function is a sum of squares, it is often advantageous to use the special structure of the problem. Time and effort can be ...