Mathematica can represent not only data and programs, but also the execution history of programs, as symbolic expressions—which can be displayed, manipulated, and analyzed ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Compile[{x_1, x_2, ...}, expr] creates a compiled function that evaluates expr assuming numerical values of the x_i. Compile[{{x_1, t_1}, ...}, expr] assumes that x_i is of a ...
FrontEndExecute[expr] sends expr to be executed by the Mathematica front end.
Mathematica has a rich syntax carefully designed for consistency and efficient, readable entry of Mathematica's many language, mathematical, and other constructs. In addition ...
ConditionalExpression[expr, cond] is a symbolic construct that represents the expression expr when the condition cond is True.
Assuming[assum, expr] evaluates expr with assum appended to $Assumptions, so that assum is included in the default assumptions used by functions such as Refine, Simplify, and ...
InitializationGroup is an option for the first cell of a cell group that specifies whether the group should be tagged to be evaluated by the Mathematica kernel when the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) For[start, test, incr, body] executes start, then repeatedly evaluates body and incr until test fails to give True.
Mathematica uses its symbolic architecture to provide a convenient modular framework for generating and managing messages, both in programs and interactive sessions.
The execution of a Mathematica program involves the evaluation of a sequence of Mathematica expressions. In simple programs, the expressions to be evaluated may be separated ...