is a MathLink template file.
ChoiceButtons[] represents a pair of OK and Cancel buttons that close a dialog.ChoiceButtons[{act_ok, act_cancel}] represents OK and Cancel buttons that evaluate the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Degree gives the number of radians in one degree. It has a numerical value of \[Pi]/180.
DiscreteIndicator[x, x_1, {u_1, u_2, ...}] yields the discrete indicator function, equal to 1 if x = x_1 and 0 if x = u_i for any i.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) QGamma[z, q] gives the q-gamma function \[CapitalGamma]_q (z).
CoshIntegral[z] gives the hyperbolic cosine integral Chi(z).
Hypergeometric1F1[a, b, z] is the Kummer confluent hypergeometric function \[Null]_1 F_1 (a; b; z).
IntegerQ[expr] gives True if expr is an integer, and False otherwise.
Mathematica incorporates the latest algorithms—some original to Wolfram Research—for evaluating mathematical constants to any number of digits of precision. For basic ...
FunctionInterpolation[expr, {x, x_min, x_max}] evaluates expr with x running from x_min to x_max and constructs an InterpolatingFunction object which represents an ...