ArithmeticGeometricMean[a, b] gives the arithmetic-geometric mean of a and b.
LegendreQ[n, z] gives the Legendre function of the second kind Q_n (z). LegendreQ[n, m, z] gives the associated Legendre function of the second kind Q_n^m(z).
LogIntegral[z] is the logarithmic integral function li(z).
AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial[{r_1, r_2, ...}] represents a formal augmented symmetric polynomial with exponents r_1, r_2, ....AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial[{{r_11, ..., r 1 ...
NormFunction is an option for functions such as FindFit and NDSolve which gives a function to be minimized in generating results.
Do Basic Calculations Do Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Control the Precision and Accuracy of Numerical Results
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Dynamic[expr] represents an object that displays as the dynamically updated current value of expr. If the displayed form of Dynamic[expr] is interactively changed or edited, ...
NevilleThetaD[z, m] gives the Neville theta function \[CurlyTheta]_d (z \[VerticalSeparator] m).
JacobiSN[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function sn(u | m).
Low-level functions for converting between expressions and boxes. MakeBoxes generates boxes without evaluating its input. MakeExpression interprets boxes but uses ...