When exchanging expressions with external programs, the Mathematica kernel uses the convention of wrapping the expressions inside packets which identify what role the ...
Finish makes the debugger run through the entire evaluation, ignoring any breakpoints.
Halt interrupts the debugger and displays the evaluation stack.
Kernel Configuration Options opens a dialog to add, remove, or edit kernel configurations.
Parallel Kernel Configuration opens a dialog to add, remove, and configure parallel kernels.
Step In stops the debugger at the next stopping point.
Numerical sums and products. This gives a numerical approximation to ∑_(i=1)^∞((1)/(i^3+i!)). There is no exact result for this sum, so Mathematica leaves it in a symbolic ...
Parallel Kernel Status opens a dialog with statistics on active parallel kernels.
Toggle Breakpoint toggles a breakpoint on or off.
CellEpilog is an option for Cell which gives an expression to evaluate after each ordinary evaluation of the contents of the cell.