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CIf   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CIf[test, trueArg, falseArg] is a symbolic representation of a conditional statement. CIf[test, trueArg] only has a branch if test is true.
CInclude   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CInclude[header] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor include statement.
CMember   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CMember[obj, mem] is a symbolic representation of access from a struct.
CPointerMember   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CPointerMember[obj, mem] is a symbolic representation of access from a pointer to a struct.
CPointerType   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CPointerType[type] is a symbolic representation of a type that is a pointer to a type.
CPragma   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CPragma[line] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor pragma directive.
CPreprocessorIf   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CPreprocessorIf[cond] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor if conditional.CPreprocessorIf[cond, true, false] represents the true and false cases.
CPreprocessorIfndef   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CPreprocessorIfndef[cond] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor ifndef conditional.CPreprocessorIfndef[cond, true, false] represents the true and false cases.
CProgram   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CProgram[args] is a symbolic representation of an entire program.
CReturn   (SymbolicC Package Symbol)
CReturn[ ] is a symbolic representation of a return from a function. CReturn[arg] returns the argument arg.
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