CStatement[obj] is a symbolic representation of a statement.
CTypedef[type, var] is a symbolic representation of a type declaration.
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CWhile[test, body] is a symbolic representation of a while statement.
MicroscopicErrorPlot[f, {x, a}] plots the error incurred by using machine arithmetic to evaluate the expression f in a small neighborhood of a.MicroscopicErrorPlot[f, {x, a, ...
The Experimental Functions Package contains functions that are being considered for official inclusion in future versions of Mathematica.
EconomizedRationalApproximation[expr, {x, {x_0, x_1}, m, n}] gives the economized rational approximation to expr that is good over the interval x_0 to x_1, with numerator ...
Cylindrical represents the cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Rr, Ttheta, and Zz.Cylindrical[r, \[Theta], z] represents the cylindrical coordinate system ...
ParabolicCylindrical represents the parabolic cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Zz. ParabolicCylindrical[u, v, z] represents the parabolic ...
Paraboloidal represents the paraboloidal coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Pphi.Paraboloidal[u, v, \[Phi]] represents the paraboloidal coordinate system ...
Spherical represents the spherical coordinate system with default variables Rr, Ttheta, and Pphi. Spherical[r, \[Theta], \[Phi]] represents the spherical coordinate system ...