Mathematica's notebook interface is a very powerful typesetting system that allows you to enter formulas as they are written in mathematical literature, using two-dimensional ...
Here is the integral ∫x^n dx in Mathematica. Here is a slightly more complicated example. Mathematica knows how to do almost any integral that can be done in terms of ...
The Padé approximation is a rational function that can be thought of as a generalization of a Taylor polynomial. A rational function is the ratio of polynomials. Because ...
When you make a sequence of definitions in Mathematica, some may be more general than others. Mathematica follows the principle of trying to put more general definitions ...
"Sound" describes how you can take functions and lists of data and produce sounds from them. Here we discuss how sounds are represented in Mathematica. Mathematica treats ...
Mathematica is one of the more complex software systems ever constructed. It is built from several million lines of source code, written in C/C++, Java and Mathematica. The C ...
Mathematica does operations like numerical integration very differently from the way it does their symbolic counterparts. When you do a symbolic integral, Mathematica takes ...
There are many variants of quasi-Newton methods. In all of them, the idea is to base the matrix B_k in the quadratic model on an approximation of the Hessian matrix built up ...
If you use your computer via a purely graphical interface, you will typically double-click the Mathematica icon to start Mathematica. If you use your computer via a textually ...
SymbolicCUDADeclareIndexBlock[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel index declaration.