PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[m] tests whether m is a positive definite matrix.
PrivateNotebookOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for notebooks that specifies various low-level notebook settings.
RamanujanTau[n] gives the Ramanujan \[Tau] function \[Tau](n).
RealExponent[x] gives log_10 (|x|).RealExponent[x, b] gives log_b (|x|).
RootLocusPlot[g, {k, k_min, k_max}] generates the root locus plot of a rational function g of k ranging from k_min to k_max.RootLocusPlot[sys, ...] plots the root loci of a ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Scan[f, expr] evaluates f applied to each element of expr in turn. Scan[f, expr, levelspec] applies f to parts of expr specified by levelspec.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Series[f, {x, x_0, n}] generates a power series expansion for f about the point x = x_0 to order (x - x_0) n. Series[f, {x, x_0, n_x}, {y, y_0, n_y}, ...] successively finds ...
SpokenString[expr] gives a string of text corresponding to a spoken representation of the expression expr.
StirlingS2[n, m] gives the Stirling number of the second kind \[ScriptCapitalS]_n^(m).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ToBoxes[expr] generates boxes corresponding to the printed form of expr in StandardForm. ToBoxes[expr, form] gives the boxes corresponding to output in the specified form.