SetSharedFunction[f_1, f_2, ...] declares the symbols f_i as shared functions whose downvalues are synchronized among all parallel kernels.
KleinInvariantJ[\[Tau]] gives the Klein invariant modular elliptic function J(\[Tau]).
ParametricPlot[{f_x, f_y}, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a parametric plot of a curve with x and y coordinates f_x and f_y as a function of u. ParametricPlot[{{f_x, f_y}, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Beta[a, b] gives the Euler beta function \[CapitalBeta](a, b). Beta[z, a, b] gives the incomplete beta function \[CapitalBeta]_z (a, b).
The Developer Utilities Package includes functions that directly access specific internal algorithms and capabilities of Mathematica that are normally used only as part of ...
NewtonCotesWeights[n, a, b] gives a list of the n pairs {x_i, w_i} of the elementary n-point Newton-Cotes formula for quadrature on the interval a to b, where w_i is the ...
ControllableModelQ[ss] yields True if the StateSpaceModel object ss is controllable, and False otherwise.
NotebookEventActions is a notebook option that gives a list of actions to perform when specified events occur in connection with the notebook.
ObservableModelQ[ss] gives True if the StateSpaceModel object ss is observable, and False otherwise.
In most cases, you want the head f of a Mathematica expression like f[x] to be a single symbol. There are, however, some important applications of heads that are not symbols. ...