With <<, you can read files that contain Mathematica expressions given in input form. Sometimes, however, you may instead need to read files of data in other formats. For ...
Finding lines that contain specified text. Here is a file containing some text. This returns a list of all the lines in the file containing the text is.
EndOfFile is a symbol returned by Read when it reaches the end of a file.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Record represents a record in Read, Find, and related functions.
WordSearch is an option for Find and FindList that specifies whether the text searched for must appear as a word.
RecordLists is an option for ReadList that specifies whether objects from separate records should be returned in separate sublists.
You can import spreadsheets created in a variety of formats to take advantage of Mathematica 's rich data manipulation and visualization capabilities.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Find[stream, " text"] finds the first line in an input stream that contains the specified string. Find[stream, {"text_1", "text_2", ...}] finds the first line that contains ...
Mathematica has not only convenient built-in multilingual dictionaries, but also built-in information on word meaning, structure and usage, as well as the relationship ...
Mathematica provides direct access to a large volume of mathematical data, specially organized and created for Mathematica. The data is available in a wide range of forms ...