151 - 160 of 409 for ExpandSearch Results
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Multinomial   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Multinomial[n_1, n_2, ...] gives the multinomial coefficient (n_1 + n_2 + ...)!/(n_1! n_2! ...).
QBinomial   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
QBinomial[n, m, q] gives the q-binomial coefficient (n; m)_q.
StringReplace   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StringReplace["string", s -> sp] or StringReplace["string", {s_1 -> sp_1, s_2 -> sp_2, ...}] replaces the string expressions s_i by sp_i whenever they appear as substrings of ...
Boolean Computation   (Mathematica Guide)
Building on its core symbolic architecture, Mathematica gives immediate access to the latest in industrial-strength Boolean computation. With highly general symbolic ...
AngerJ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AngerJ[\[Nu], z] gives the Anger function J_v(z).AngerJ[\[Nu], \[Mu], z] gives the associated Anger function J_\[Nu]^\[Mu](z).
Block   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Block[{x, y, ...}, expr] specifies that expr is to be evaluated with local values for the symbols x, y, .... Block[{x = x_0, ...}, expr] defines initial local values for x, ...
Button   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Button[label, action] represents a button that is labeled with label, and evaluates action whenever it is clicked.
CDFDeploy   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CDFDeploy["file.cdf", expr] deploys expr in a form that can be played by Wolfram CDF Player.CDFDeploy["file.cdf", notebook] deploys a notebook.CDFDeploy["file.cdf", ...
ChebyshevT   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ChebyshevT[n, x] gives the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind T_n (x).
CopyToClipboard   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CopyToClipboard[expr] replaces the contents of the clipboard with expr.
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