SingularValueDecomposition[m] gives the singular value decomposition for a numerical matrix m as a list of matrices {u, w, v}, where w is a diagonal matrix and m can be ...
BetaPrimeDistribution[p, q] represents a beta prime distribution with shape parameters p and q. BetaPrimeDistribution[p, q, \[Beta]] represents a generalized beta prime ...
FiniteGroupData[name, " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the finite group specified by name.FiniteGroupData["class"] gives a list of finite groups in ...
An expression like x^2+2x-7==0 represents an equation in Mathematica. You will often need to solve equations like this, to find out for what values of x they are true. This ...
Wolfram LibraryLink allows dynamic libraries to be directly loaded into the Mathematica kernel so that functions in the libraries can be immediately called from Mathematica. ...
MonomialList[poly] gives the list of all monomials in the polynomial poly.MonomialList[poly, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the list of monomials with respect to the variables x_i in ...
OpenCLInformation[] gives all information about OpenCL platforms and devices on the system.OpenCLInformation[platform] gives information on OpenCL platform and about its ...
BetaNegativeBinomialDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], n] represents a beta negative binomial mixture distribution with beta distribution parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta], and n ...
NumberForm[expr, n] prints with approximate real numbers in expr given to n-digit precision.