WatershedComponents[image] computes the watershed transform of image, returning the result as a matrix in which positive integers label the catchment ...
Just as Mathematica allows you to define how expressions should be evaluated, so also it allows you to define how expressions should be formatted for output. The basic idea ...
The fundamental operation that Mathematica performs is evaluation. Whenever you enter an expression, Mathematica evaluates the expression, then returns the result. Evaluation ...
Spheroidal functions. The radial spheroidal functions SpheroidalS1[n,m, γ,z] and SpheroidalS2[n,m,γ,z] and angular spheroidal functions SpheroidalPS[n,m,γ,z] and ...
$RelaxedTypeChecking is a flag that can be set to True to speed up the validation performed in Mathematica (via pattern tests) on arrays of data being sent as arguments to ...
TetGenDelaunay[points] generates a Delaunay tetrahedralization for a 3D point set.
TetGenGetElements[expr] gets the elements in a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetFacetMarkers[expr] returns the facet markers for a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetNeighbors[expr] gets the neighbors in a TetGen expression.
PairedHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}] plots a paired histogram of the values x_i and y_i.PairedHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}, bspec] plots a paired ...