LibraryFunctionInformation[fun] returns information about a LibraryFunction.
PermutationOrder[perm] gives the order of permutation perm.
NextPrime[n] gives the next prime above n.NextPrime[n, k] gives the k\[Null]^th prime above n.
ImageMultiply[image, x] multiplies each channel value in image by a factor x.ImageMultiply[image_1, image_2] gives an image in which each pixel is the product of the ...
Do Basic Calculations Do Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Control the Precision and Accuracy of Numerical Results
ErlangDistribution[k, \[Lambda]] represents the Erlang distribution with shape parameter k and rate \[Lambda].
SquareFreeQ, PrimePowerQ, KroneckerSymbol, ChineseRemainder and PrimitiveRoot have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel functions. NextPrime and PreviousPrime are ...
GraphData[name] gives a graph with the specified name.GraphData[name, " property"] gives the value for the specified property for a named graph.GraphData["class"] gives a ... is a MathLink template file.
Mathematica can represent bit vectors of arbitrary length as integers, and uses highly optimized algorithms—including several original to Wolfram Research—to perform bitwise ...