Uniform sequence of signed 128-bit integers. Binary data format.
Sequence of unsigned 16-bit integers. Raw binary format. Equivalent to the Byte format.
x - y is equivalent to x + (-1*y).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Button[label, action] represents a button that is labeled with label, and evaluates action whenever it is clicked.
Rational is the head used for rational numbers.
In Mathematica , many kinds of data are stored in tables or lists. Mathematica provides many useful functions for creating and manipulating these tables.
Mathematica notebooks provide the basic technology that you need to be able to create a very wide range of sophisticated interactive documents. But to get the best out of ...
Building on its broad strengths in mathematics in general, and in special functions in particular, Mathematica provides a unique level of support for multiplicative number ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Except[c] is a pattern object which represents any expression except one that matches c. Except[c, p] represents any expression that matches p but not c.
CUDAFunctionLoad[src, fun, argtypes, blockdim] loads CUDAFunction from scr and makes fun available in Mathematica.CUDAFunctionLoad[{srcfile}, fun, argtypes, blockdim] loads ...