NETType["name", n] represents a .NET type with the specified name.
Mathematica symbolic expressions can represent an immense range of types of objects. Mathematica provides a rich collection of functions to test expressions. Functions that ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sort[list] sorts the elements of list into canonical order. Sort[list, p] sorts using the ordering function p.
The functions described here are among the most commonly used discrete univariate statistical distributions. You can compute their densities, means, variances, and other ...
FindInstance[expr, vars] finds an instance of vars that makes the statement expr be True. FindInstance[expr, vars, dom] finds an instance over the domain dom. Common choices ...
FindArgMax[f, x] gives the position x_max of a local maximum of f.FindArgMax[f, {x, x_0}] gives the position x_max of a local maximum of f, found by a search starting from ...
FindArgMin[f, x] gives the position x_min of a local minimum of f.FindArgMin[f, {x, x_0}] gives the position x_min of a local minimum of f, found by a search starting from ...
FindMaxValue[f, x] gives the value at a local maximum of f.FindMaxValue[f, {x, x_0}] gives the value at a local maximum of f, found by a search starting from the point x = ...
FindMinValue[f, x] gives the value at a local minimum of f.FindMinValue[f, {x, x_0}] gives the value at a local minimum of f, found by a search starting from the point x = ...
ImageForestingComponents[image] finds a segmentation of image, returning an integer matrix in which positive integers label different ...