TrigExpand[expr] expands out trigonometric functions in expr.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) While[test, body] evaluates test, then body, repetitively, until test first fails to give True.
WhittakerW[k, m, z] gives the Whittaker function W k, m (z).
When you make a function definition using :=, the value of the function is recomputed every time you ask for it. In some kinds of calculations, you may end up asking for the ...
CUDAMemory[args] is a handle to memory loaded using CUDAMemoryLoad or CUDAMemoryAllocate.
SQLColumns[conn] returns the SQLColumn objects for each column in an SQL connection.
SQLDataTypeNames[conn] returns the names of data types that can be stored in an SQL connection.
NETObjectToExpression[netObject] converts the specified .NET object reference into its value as a "native" Mathematica expression.
TetGenSetFacetMarkers[expr, vertices] sets the facet markers for a TetGen expression.
(Statistical Plots Package Symbol) Leaves is an option for StemLeafPlot that specifies how leaves should be displayed.