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$Display   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$Display gives a list of files and pipes to be used with the default $DisplayFunction.
$LicenseExpirationDate   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$LicenseExpirationDate is a date list that gives the expiration date for the license under which Mathematica is being run.
Overview of Ordinary Differential ...   (Mathematica Tutorial)
There are four major areas in the study of ordinary differential equations that are of interest in pure and applied science. Of these four areas, the study of exact solutions ...
Evaluation in Iteration Functions   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The built-in Mathematica iteration functions such as Table and Sum evaluate their arguments in a slightly special way. When evaluating an expression like Table[f,{i,i_max}], ...
Drop   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Drop[list, n] gives list with its first n elements dropped. Drop[list, -n] gives list with its last n elements dropped. Drop[list, {n}] gives list with its n\[Null]^th ...
PermutationCycles   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PermutationCycles[perm] gives a disjoint cycle representation of permutation perm.
Nonlinear Second-Order ODEs   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The general form of a nonlinear second-order ODE is For simplicity, assume that the equation can be solved for the highest-order derivative y^ ′′(x) to give There are a few ...
ItemStyle   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ItemStyle is an option for Grid, Column, and related constructs that specifies styles to use for items.
Nearest   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Nearest[{elem_1, elem_2, ...}, x] gives the list of elem_i to which x is nearest. Nearest[{elem_1 -> v_1, elem_2 -> v_2, ...}, x] gives the v_i corresponding to the elem_i to ...
ToeplitzMatrix   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ToeplitzMatrix[n] gives the n*n Toeplitz matrix with first row and first column being successive integers.ToeplitzMatrix[{c_1, c_2, ..., c_n}] gives the Toeplitz matrix whose ...
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