HerschelGraph returns a graph object that represents a Herschel graph.
IcosahedralGraph returns the graph corresponding to the icosahedron, a Platonic solid.
InvolutionQ[p] yields True if permutation p is its own inverse.
LastLexicographicTableau[p] constructs the last Young tableau with shape described by partition p.
LowerLeft is a value that options VertexNumberPosition, VertexLabelPosition, and EdgeLabelPosition can take on in ShowGraph.
LowerRight is a value that options VertexNumberPosition, VertexLabelPosition, and EdgeLabelPosition can take on in ShowGraph.
NormalDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
NumberOfInvolutions[n] counts the number of involutions on n elements.
NumberOfPartitions[n] counts the number of integer partitions of n.
NumberOfPermutationsByCycles[n, m] gives the number of permutations of length n with exactly m cycles.