GUIScreenShot[interface] generates a graphic that captures the current state of the runtime user interface.
Widget["FontChooser"] provides a panel for making a font selection based on a name, style, and size.
Gregorian represents the Gregorian calendar system.
NFourierCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n \[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier exponential series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
NFourierSeries[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the order n Fourier exponential series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic function of t with period 2 ...
NFourierSinCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n\[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier sine series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
NFourierTrigSeries[expr, t, k] gives a numerical approximation to the order n Fourier trigonometric series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic function of t with ...
GeneralMiniMaxApproximation[{f_x, f_y}, {t, {t_0, t_1}, m, n}, x] finds the rational polynomial function of x, with numerator order m and denominator order n, that gives a ...
AdjacencyMatrix[g] gives the SparseArray object representing the graph g.AdjacencyMatrix[g, n] gives the SparseArray object representing the graph g, adding additional ...
NeighborhoodSubgraph[g, i, r] gives a subgraph consists of vertices that can be reached from vertex i within r hops.NeighborhoodSubgraph[g, i] gives a subgraph consists of ...