To control how a 3D surface responds to simulated light, set its reflection properties. Mathematica lets you control the diffuse reflection of light on a matte surface and ...
Mathematica has many matrix operations that support operations such as building, computing, and visualizing matrices. It also has a rich language for picking out parts of ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: chemical/seq-aa-fasta, chemical/seq-na-fasta FASTA molecular biology format. Standard format for storing and exchanging DNA and protein sequences. Plain text ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Minitab portable worksheet format. Statistical data format. Used for exchanging and archiving statistical data. MTP is an acronym derived from Minitab Portable Worksheet. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) OFF 3D geometry format. Used for storing and exchanging 3D models. OFF is an acronym for Object File Format. Occasionally called COFF if color information is present. Related ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: application/pdf Adobe Acrobat format. Standard format for exchanging and archiving multi-page documents. PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format. Binary ...
ControllableDecomposition[ss] yields the controllable decomposition of the StateSpaceModel object ss. The result is a list {s_c, ss_c} where s_c is the transformation matrix ...
Cyclotomic[n, x] gives the n\[Null]^th cyclotomic polynomial in x.
DifferentialRoot[lde] represents a function that solves the linear differential equation specified by lde[y, x].
DiscreteLQEstimatorGains[ss, {w, v}, \[Tau]] gives the optimal discrete-time estimator gain matrix with sampling period \[Tau] for the continuous-time StateSpaceModel object ...