WaveletImagePlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet image coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletImagePlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
WolframAlpha["query"] sends query to Wolfram|Alpha and imports the output.WolframAlpha["query", format] imports the output according to the specified format.
NMinimize, NMaximize, Minimize, and Maximize employ global optimization algorithms, and are thus suitable when a global optimum is needed. Minimize and Maximize can find ...
Whenever Mathematica draws a three-dimensional object, it always effectively puts a cuboidal box around the object. With the default option setting Boxed->True, Mathematica ...
When you set up a graphics object in Mathematica, you give coordinates for the various graphical elements that appear. When Mathematica renders the graphics object, it has to ...
Mathematica provides a large number of options for cells. All of these options can be accessed through the Option Inspector menu item in the front end. They can be set either ...
Restriction scripts can be very useful in managing sitewide installations of Mathematica. They can be used to prevent access to Mathematica by unauthorized users on the ...
The basis for a nonlinear conjugate gradient method is to effectively apply the linear conjugate gradient method, where the residual is replaced by the gradient. A model ...
SQLTables[conn] returns the SQLTable objects for each table in an SQL connection.
.NET/Link lets you write sophisticated user interfaces by calling .NET types directly from Mathematica. Doing so allows you to evaluate code as you add it, either one or ...