The equations of motion for a free rigid body whose center of mass is at the origin are given by the following Euler equations (see [MR99]). Two quadratic first integrals of ...
While most built-in Mathematica functions follow the standard evaluation procedure, some important ones do not. For example, most of the Mathematica functions associated with ...
Mathematica uses various syntactic rules to interpret input that you give, and to convert strings and boxes into expressions. The version of these rules that is used for ...
Pure functions. When you use functional operations such as Nest and Map, you always have to specify a function to apply. In all the examples above, we have used the "name" of ...
To install and use Mathematica and MathLM, you must activate your product and receive a password. Before registering, you must first begin the installation process according ...
SystemsModelSeriesConnect[sys_1, sys_2] connects TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel objects sys_1 and sys_2 in series. SystemsModelSeriesConnect[sys_1, sys_2, {y, u}] ...
$CCompiler sets the default C compiler to use for operating on C code.
ButcherTreeSimplify[p, \[Eta], \[Xi]] gives the set of trees through order p that are not reduced by Butcher's quadrature conditions through order p, row-simplifying ...
FirstIntegral[u] represents a first integral associated with the variable u in the output of the function FirstIntegrals.
Mathematica makes it easy to take even the most complicated derivatives involving any of its huge range of differentiable special functions.