PermutationType[p] returns the type of permutation p.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) PlanarQ[g] yields True if graph g is planar, meaning it can be drawn in the plane so no two edges cross.
PseudographQ[g] yields True if graph g is a pseudograph, meaning it contains self-loops.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Radius[g] gives the radius of graph g, the minimum eccentricity of any vertex of g.
RandomComposition[n, k] constructs a random composition of integer n into k parts.
RandomKSubset[l, k] gives a random subset of set l with exactly k elements.
RandomPartition[n] constructs a random partition of integer n.
RandomTableau[p] constructs a random Young tableau of shape p.
RandomTree[n] constructs a random labeled tree on n vertices.
RankGraph[g, l] partitions the vertices into classes based on the shortest geodesic distance to a member of list l.