NDSolve uses norms of error estimates to determine when solutions satisfy error tolerances. In nearly all cases the norm has been weighted, or scaled, such that it is less ...
Partitioning elements in a list. This partitions in blocks of 3. This partitions in blocks of 3 with offset 1.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cycles[{cyc_1, cyc_2, ...}] represents a permutation with disjoint cycles cyc_i.
The shooting method works by considering the boundary conditions as a multivariate function of initial conditions at some point, reducing the boundary value problem to ...
SetSharedFunction[f_1, f_2, ...] declares the symbols f_i as shared functions whose downvalues are synchronized among all parallel kernels.
IncludedScriptContexts is an option to GUIRun and related functions that can extend the active $ContextPath that Script blocks within a definition will use.
InitialArguments is an option to Widget which specifies the argument list to use when instantiating this widget definition.
InvokeThread is an option to GUIKit symbols which specifies what thread the invocation should execute on.
InvokeWait is an option to GUIKit symbols which determines whether a threaded invocation should wait for a result or continue on immediately without a response.
ReleaseMethod is an option to GUIRun and related functions that determines when a GUIObject is released.