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CompleteQ   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
CompleteQ[g] yields True if graph g is complete. This means that between any pair of vertices there is an undirected edge or two directed edges going in opposite directions.
Compositions   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Compositions[n, k] gives a list of all compositions of integer n into k parts.
CoxeterGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
CoxeterGraph gives a non-Hamiltonian graph with a high degree of symmetry such that there is a graph automorphism taking any path of length 3 to any other.
CycleStructure   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
CycleStructure[p, x] returns the monomial in x[1], x[2], ..., x[Length[p]] that is the cycle structure of the permutation p.
CyclicGroupIndex   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
CyclicGroupIndex[n, x] returns the cycle index of the cyclic group on n symbols, expressed as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], ..., x[n].
Cyclic   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Cyclic is an argument to the Polya-theoretic functions ListNecklaces, NumberOfNecklaces, and NecklacePolynomial, which count or enumerate distinct necklaces. Cyclic refers to ...
DegreeSequence   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
DegreeSequence[g] gives the sorted degree sequence of graph g.
Diameter   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
Diameter[g] gives the diameter of graph g, the maximum length, among all pairs of vertices in g, of a shortest path between each pair.
DihedralGroupIndex   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
DihedralGroupIndex[n, x] returns the cycle index of the dihedral group on n symbols, expressed as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], ..., x[n].
DihedralGroup   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
DihedralGroup[n] returns the dihedral group on n symbols. Note that the order of this group is 2 n.
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