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ForAllRealQ   (Experimental Package Symbol)
ForAllRealQ[ineqs, {x_1, x_2, ...}] tests whether for all real values of the x_i the inequalities and equations ineqs are satisfied.
ImpliesRealQ   (Experimental Package Symbol)
ImpliesRealQ[ineqs_1, ineqs_2] tests whether the inequalities and equations ineqs_1 imply the ineqs_2 for all real values of all variables.
ExtensionDegree   (Finite Fields Package Symbol)
ExtensionDegree[f] gives the degree of the extension of the field f over its base field.
FieldIrreducible   (Finite Fields Package Symbol)
FieldIrreducible[f, s] gives the irreducible polynomial in the symbol s associated with the field f.
PolynomialToElement   (Finite Fields Package Symbol)
PolynomialToElement[f, poly] gives an element in the field f corresponding to the univariate polynomial poly with integer coefficients.
OrderStarSymbolSize   (Function Approximations Package Symbol)
OrderStarSymbolSize is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the size of the symbols used to represent poles, zeros and interpolation points.
OrderStarSymbolThickness   (Function Approximations Package Symbol)
OrderStarSymbolThickness is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the thickness of the outline of the symbols used to represent interpolation points, poles and zeros.
MedianMethod   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
MedianMethod is an option for MultivariateMedianDeviation that specifies the multivariate median to use.
HertzToCents   (Music Package Symbol)
HertzToCents[{freq_1, freq_2, ...}] converts a list of frequencies freq_1, freq_2, ..., measured in Hertz to a list of intervals measured in cents.
AddInputAlias   (Notation Package Symbol)
AddInputAlias[alias -> boxes] adds the alias Esc\[ThinSpace]alias\[ThinSpace]Esc for boxes to the aliases in the current notebook. AddInputAlias[alias -> boxes, notebook] ...
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