RectangleChart3D[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] makes a 3D rectangle chart with bars of width x_i, depth y_i and height z_i. RectangleChart3D[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i, ...
RectangleChart[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] makes a rectangle chart with bars of width x_i and height y_i. RectangleChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i}, ...], ..., w_j[{x_i, y_j}, ...
CandlestickChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1}}, ...}] makes a chart with candles representing open, high, low, and close prices for each date. ...
BubbleChart[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] makes a bubble chart with bubbles at positions {x_i, y_i} with sizes z_i.BubbleChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i, z_i}, ...], ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Graph[{e_1, e_2, ...}] yields a graph with edges e_j.Graph[{v 1, v 2, ...}, {e_1, e_2, ...}] yields the graph with vertices v_i and edges e_j. Graph[{..., w_i[v_i, ...], ...
SectorChart3D[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] makes a 3D sector chart with sector angle proportional to x_i, radius y_i, and height z_i.SectorChart3D[{..., w_i[{x_i, ...
PairedBarChart[{y_1, y_2, ...}, {z_1, z_2, ...}] makes a paired bar chart with bar lengths y_1, y_2, ... and z_1, z_2, ..., respectively.PairedBarChart[{..., w_i[y_i, ...], ...
TradingChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1, volume_1}}, ...}] makes a chart showing prices and volume for each date. TradingChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a ...
SectorChart[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_1, y_2}, ...}] makes a sector chart with sector angles proportional to x_i and radii y_i.SectorChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i}, ...], ..., w_j[{x_j, ...
BoxWhiskerChart[{x_1, x_2, ...}] makes a box-and-whisker chart for the values x_i.BoxWhiskerChart[{x_1, x_2, ...}, bwspec] makes a chart with box-and-whisker symbol ...