TextCell["string"] gives a text cell that can appear in a Mathematica notebook.TextCell["string", " style"] gives a text cell with the specified style.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Text[expr] displays with expr in plain text format. Text[expr, coords] is a graphics primitive that displays the textual form of expr centered at the point specified by ...
FileNameJoin[{"name_1", "name_2", ...}] joins the name_i together into a file name suitable for your current operating system.
OpenRead["file"] opens a file to read data from, and returns an InputStream object.
Functions for manipulating files. Different operating systems have different commands for manipulating files. Mathematica provides a simple set of file manipulation ...
JavaClass[classname, n] represents a Java class with the specified name.
Typical command-line options for Mathematica executables. If the Mathematica front end is called with a notebook file as a command-line argument, then this notebook will be ...
FrameLabel is an option for Graphics, Manipulate, and related functions that specifies labels to be placed on the edges of a frame.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs = rhs evaluates rhs and assigns the result to be the value of lhs. From then on, lhs is replaced by rhs whenever it appears. {l_1, l_2, ...} = {r_1, r_2, ...} evaluates ...
Matrices are represented in Mathematica with lists. They can be entered directly with the { } notation, constructed from a formula, or imported from a data file. Mathematica ...