InputString[] interactively reads in a character string. InputString[prompt] requests input, displaying prompt as a "prompt". InputString[prompt, init] in a notebook front ...
MorletWavelet[] represents a Morlet wavelet.
NotebookRead[notebook] gives the expression corresponding to the current selection in the specified notebook object.
OpenRead["file"] opens a file to read data from, and returns an InputStream object.
ShannonWavelet[] represents the Shannon wavelet evaluated on the equally spaced interval {-10, 10}. ShannonWavelet[lim] represents the Shannon wavelet evaluated on the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Share[expr] changes the way expr is stored internally, to try and minimize the amount of memory used. Share[] tries to minimize the memory used to store all expressions.
SimilarityRules is an option for functions such as SequenceAlignment that gives a list of rules for similarity scores to assume between pairs of elements.
SystemInformation[] gives detailed information about the Mathematica system being run. SystemInformation["comp"] gives a list of rules with information about the component " ...
TransformationMatrix[tfun] gives the homogeneous matrix associated with a TransformationFunction object.
$KernelID is a unique ID number assigned to each running parallel kernel.