KirchhoffGraph[kmat] gives the graph with Kirchhoff matrix kmat.KirchhoffGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, kmat] gives the graph with vertices v_i and Kirchhoff matrix kmat.
Graphics[primitives, options] represents a two-dimensional graphical image.
DepthFirstScan[g, s, {"event_1" -> f_1, "event_2" -> f_2, ...}] performs a depth-first scan of the graph g starting at the vertex s and evaluates f_i whenever "event_i" ...
DeBruijnGraph[m, n] gives the n-dimensional De Bruijn graph with m symbols.DeBruijnGraph[m, n, type] gives the De Bruijn graph with connectivity given by type.
CommunityStructurePartition[g] gives the partition of a graph g into communities.
HamiltonianGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is Hamiltonian, and False otherwise.
WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution[n, p] represents the Watts\[Dash]Strogatz graph distribution for n-vertex graphs with rewiring probability p.WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution[n, ...
KnightTourGraph[m, n] gives a Knight's tour graph on an m*n chessboard.
HararyGraph[k, n] generates the minimal k-connected graph on n vertices H k, n.
CommunityStructureAssignment[g] gives the assignment of vertices of a graph g into communities.