481 - 490 of 724 for GraphSearch Results
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GreedyVertexCover   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
GreedyVertexCover[g] returns a vertex cover of graph g constructed using the greedy algorithm. This is a natural heuristic for constructing a vertex cover, but it can produce ...
KnightsTourGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
KnightsTourGraph[m, n] returns a graph with mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m*n chessboard and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight ...
MaximumClique   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
MaximumClique[g] finds a largest clique in graph g. MaximumClique[g, k] returns a k-clique, if such a thing exists in g; otherwise it returns {}.
MeredithGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
MeredithGraph returns a 4-regular, 4-connected graph that is not Hamiltonian, providing a counterexample to a conjecture by C. St. J. A. Nash\[Dash]Williams.
RootedEmbedding   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
RootedEmbedding[g, v] constructs a rooted embedding of graph g with vertex v as the root. RootedEmbedding[g] constructs a rooted embedding with a center of g as the root.
RotateVertices   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
RotateVertices[v, \[Theta]] rotates each vertex position in list v by \[Theta] radians about the origin (0, 0). RotateVertices[g, \[Theta]] rotates the embedding of the graph ...
ShakeGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
ShakeGraph[g, d] performs a random perturbation of the vertices of graph g, with each vertex moving, at most, a distance d from its original position.
TranslateVertices   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
TranslateVertices[v, {x, y}] adds the vector {x, y} to the vertex embedding location of each vertex in list v. TranslateVertices[g, {x, y}] translates the embedding of the ...
VertexColor   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
VertexColor is an option that allows the user to associate colors with vertices.
VertexLabelColor   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
VertexLabelColor is an option that allows the user to associate different colors to vertex labels.
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