ShuffleExchangeGraph[n] returns the n-dimensional shuffle-exchange graph whose vertices are length n binary strings with an edge from w to Derivative[1][w] if (i) ...
Automorphisms[g] gives the automorphism group of the graph g.
PermutationGraph[p] gives the permutation graph for the permutation p.
StronglyConnectedComponents[g] gives the strongly connected components of directed graph g as lists of vertices.
TransitiveQ[g] yields True if graph g defines a transitive relation.
TravelingSalesmanBounds[g] gives upper and lower bounds on a minimum-cost traveling salesman tour of graph g.
WeaklyConnectedComponents[g] gives the weakly connected components of directed graph g as lists of vertices.
Here are a few examples that demonstrate building user interfaces with the GUIKit framework. Hello World—The classic simple application written with GUIKit. Simple Slider
PopupWindow[expr, contents] displays as expr, but pops up a window containing contents when clicked.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Labeled[expr, lbl] displays expr labeled with lbl. Labeled[expr, lbl, pos] places lbl at a position specified by pos. Labeled[expr, {lbl_1, lbl_2, ...}, {pos_1, ...}] places ...