Work with Spline Functions Create Graphics with Spline Primitives Create Plots
Mathematica 7 represents another major achievement in Mathematica's long history of innovation in mathematics and algorithms. Building on the broad capabilities of ...
WheelGraph[n] gives the wheel graph with n vertices W_n.
Primitives which can take multiple elements. Some primitives have multi-element forms that can be processed and rendered more quickly by the Mathematica front end than the ...
Disjunction[expr, {a_1, a_2, ...}] gives the disjunction of expr over all choices of the Boolean variables a_i.
ExpressionTree[e] plots the expression tree of e.ExpressionTreePlot[e, pos] plots the expression tree of e with its root placed at position pos.ExpressionTreePlot[e, pos, ...
Combining methods from set theory, topology, and discrete mathematics, mathematical morphology provides a powerful approach to processing images and other discrete data. ...
Highlight[g, p] displays g with elements in p highlighted. The second argument p has the form {s_1, s_2, ...}, where the s_i are disjoint subsets of vertices and edges of g.
ShortestPathFunction[type, data] represents a function that gives the shortest path from a source vertex s to target vertex t in a graph.