int MLError (MLINK link) returns a value identifying the last error to occur on link. MLError() returns MLEOK if no error has occurred since the previous call to ...
int MLNextPacket (MLINK link) goes to the next packet on link and returns a constant to indicate its head.
int MLPutFunction (MLINK link, const char *s, int n) puts a function with head given by a symbol with name s and with n arguments to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutRawData (MLINK link, const unsigned char *d, int l) puts raw character data or numeric data from d of length l bytes to link.
The standard way in which Mathematica works is to take any expression you give as input, evaluate the expression completely, and then return the result. When you are trying ...
SQLSelect[conn, table] extracts data from a table in an SQL connection. SQLSelect[conn, table, cols] extracts data from particular columns.SQLSelect[conn, table, cols, cond] ...
SQLTableInformation[conn] returns a list of information about the tables in an SQL connection.
SQLSelect selects and returns data from a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is described in "Selecting Data with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this ...
This section discusses commands that get information about database columns. If you find that the examples in this section do not work as shown, you may need to install or ...
Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a version of expr with controls added to allow interactive manipulation of the value of u. Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max, ...