BorelTannerDistribution[\[Alpha], n] represents a Borel\[Dash]Tanner distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and n.
SkellamDistribution[\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2] represents a Skellam distribution with shape parameters \[Mu]_1 and \[Mu]_2.
HyperbolicDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Delta], \[Mu]] represents a hyperbolic distribution with location parameter \[Mu], scale parameter \[Delta], shape parameter ...
ExtremeValueDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents an extreme value distribution with location parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter \[Beta].
HoytDistribution[q, \[Omega]] represents a Hoyt distribution with shape parameter q and spread parameter \[Omega].
RiceDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a Rice distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta].RiceDistribution[m, \[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a ...
SmoothHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}] plots a smooth kernel histogram of the values x_i.SmoothHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, espec] plots a smooth kernel histogram with estimator ...
BatesDistribution[n] represents the distribution of a mean of n random variables uniformly distributed from 0 to 1.BatesDistribution[n, {min, max}] represents the ...
BetaNegativeBinomialDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], n] represents a beta negative binomial mixture distribution with beta distribution parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta], and n ...
CauchyDistribution[a, b] represents a Cauchy distribution with location parameter a and scale parameter b.