NumberFieldIntegralBasis[a] gives an integral basis for the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
NumberFieldRegulator[a] gives the regulator of the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
PriceGraphDistribution[n, k, a] represents a de Solla Price graph distribution for n-vertex graphs where a new vertex with k edges is added at each step using attractiveness ...
QHypergeometricPFQ[{a_1, ..., a_r}, {b_1, ..., b_s}, q, z] gives the basic hypergeometric series \[Null]_r \[Phi]_s (a; b; q; z).
QPolyGamma[z, q] gives the q-digamma function \[Psi]_q (z).QPolyGamma[n, z, q] gives the n\[Null]^th derivative of the q-digamma function \[Psi]_q^(n)(z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Range[i_max] generates the list {1, 2, ..., i_max}. Range[i_min, i_max] generates the list {i_min, ..., i_max}. Range[i_min, i_max, di] uses step di.
SlideView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] represents an object in which the expr_i are set up to be displayed on successive slides. SlideView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}, i] makes the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) StruveH[n, z] gives the Struve function H n (z).
WaitNext[{eid_1, eid_2, ...}] waits until the first evaluation represented by any of the eid_i finishes, then returns its result, the corresponding eid_i, and the list of ...
ZernikeR[n, m, r] gives the radial Zernike polynomial R_n^m(r).