FactorialMomentGeneratingFunction[dist, t] gives the factorial moment generating function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable t. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Locator[{x, y}] represents a locator object at position {x, y} in a graphic. Locator[Dynamic[pos]] takes the position to be the dynamically updated current value of pos, with ...
LogGammaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu]] represents a log-gamma distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta] and location parameter \[Mu].
SetSharedFunction[f_1, f_2, ...] declares the symbols f_i as shared functions whose downvalues are synchronized among all parallel kernels.
Constructing matrices with special shapes. This creates a matrix of 0s containing a radius 4 diamond of 1s. The result is a 9×9 matrix. The size of the matrix can be ...
LQRegulatorGains[ss, {q, r}] gives the optimal state feedback gain matrix for the StateSpaceModel object ss and the quadratic cost function with state and control weighting ...
In data analysis, it is often necessary to clean a dataset before analyzing it. Data points with missing entries or that contain invalid values must be removed or replaced by ...
An efficient load-on-demand mechanism makes hundreds of gigabytes of carefully curated and continually updated data immediately available inside Mathematica for use in ...
HalfNormalDistribution[\[Theta]] represents a half-normal distribution with scale inversely proportional to parameter \[Theta].
JoinedCurve[{segment_1, segment_2, ...}] represents a curve consisting of segment_1 followed by segment_2 etc. JoinedCurve[{component_1, component_2, ...}] represents a list ...