AxesEdge is an option for three-dimensional graphics functions that specifies on which edges of the bounding box axes should be drawn.
ChartElements is an option to charting functions such as BarChart that specifies the graphics to use as the basis for bars or other chart elements.
ContourStyle is an option for contour plots that specifies the style in which contour lines or surfaces should be drawn.
ControlType is an option for Manipulate and related functions that specifies what type of controls should be displayed.
CrossMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a centered cross-shaped region that extends r positions along each index direction, and are 0 otherwise.CrossMatrix[r, ...
DagumDistribution[p, a, b] represents a Dagum distribution with shape parameters p and a and scale parameter b.
DateDifference[date_1, date_2] gives the number of days from date_1 to date_2.DateDifference[date_1, date_2, " unit"] gives the difference between date_1 and date_2 in the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Depth[expr] gives the maximum number of indices needed to specify any part of expr, plus 1.
DiamondMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a diamond-shaped region that extends r index positions to each side, and are 0 otherwise.DiamondMatrix[r, w] gives a ...
DiskMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a disk-shaped region of radius r, and are otherwise 0.DiskMatrix[r, w] gives a w*w matrix containing a disk of 1s with ...