ItemStyle is an option for Grid, Column, and related constructs that specifies styles to use for items.
ProductDistribution[dist_1, dist_2, ...] represents the joint distribution with independent component distributions dist_1, dist_2, ....
StringCases["string", patt] gives a list of the substrings in " string" that match the string expression patt. StringCases["string", lhs -> rhs] gives a list of the values of ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Take[list, n] gives the first n elements of list. Take[list, -n] gives the last n elements of list. Take[list, {m, n}] gives elements m through n of list. Take[list, seq_1, ...
ToContinuousTimeModel[sys] gives the continuous-time approximation of the discrete-time TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel object sys.ToContinuousTimeModel[tf, s] gives ...
The solution given by DSolve can be verified using various methods. The easiest method involves substituting the solution back into the equation. If the result is True, the ...
Structural operations on polynomials. Here is a polynomial in one variable. Expand expands out products and powers, writing the polynomial as a simple sum of terms.
The Mathematica compiler generates a CompiledFunction expression that contains a sequence of simple instructions for evaluating a Mathematica computation. The compiled ...
CUDAFunctionLoad[src, fun, argtypes, blockdim] loads CUDAFunction from scr and makes fun available in Mathematica.CUDAFunctionLoad[{srcfile}, fun, argtypes, blockdim] loads ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArgMin[f, x] gives a position x_min at which f is minimized.ArgMin[f, {x, y, ...}] gives a position {x_min, y_min, ...} at which f is minimized.ArgMin[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...