(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Zeta[s] gives the Riemann zeta function \[Zeta](s). Zeta[s, a] gives the generalized Riemann zeta function \[Zeta](s, a).
PaulWavelet[] represents a Paul wavelet of order 4.PaulWavelet[n] represents a Paul wavelet of order n.
InterpolationPoints is an option to SmoothKernelDistribution and FunctionInterpolation that specifies the initial number of interpolation points to use.
ListDensityPlot[array] generates a smooth density plot from an array of values. ListDensityPlot[{{x_1, y_1, f_1}, {x_2, y_2, f_2}, ...}] generates a density plot with values ...
BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of ...
ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a reverse biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a reverse ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArcSin[z] gives the arc sine sin -1 (z) of the complex number z.
LiftingFilterData[...] represents lifting-filter data used to compute forward and inverse lifting wavelet transforms.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NSeries` is now available in the newly created Numerical Calculus Package.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) C[i] is the default form for the i\[Null]\[Null]^th parameter or constant generated in representing the results of various symbolic computations.