HoldAllComplete is an attribute which specifies that all arguments to a function are not to be modified or looked at in any way in the process of evaluation.
LibraryUnload[lib] unloads all functions that have been loaded from a Wolfram Library, then it unloads the library.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Log10[x] gives the base-10 logarithm of x.
MathieuCPrime[a, q, z] gives the derivative with respect to z of the even Mathieu function with characteristic value a and parameter q.
NumberFieldSignature[a] gives the signature of the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
PixelValue[image, {x, y}] gives the pixel value of image at position {x, y}.PixelValue[image, {x, y}, " type"] gives the pixel value converted to the specified type.
RandomImage[max, {w, h}] gives an image of dimensions {w, h} with pseudorandom pixel values generated from a uniform distribution in the range 0 to max.RandomImage[{min, ...
Mathematica can be used to make plots of functions. You give Mathematica a function, and it builds up a curve or surface by evaluating the function at many different points. ...
Functions for manipulating trigonometric expressions. This expands out a trigonometric expression. This factors the expression.
HypercubeGraph[n] gives the n-dimensional hypercube graph Q_n.