(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sow[e] specifies that e should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap. Sow[e, tag] specifies that e should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap whose pattern ...
ToString[expr] gives a string corresponding to the printed form of expr in OutputForm. ToString[expr, form] gives the string corresponding to output in the specified form.
Some common operations on special functions. Most special functions have simpler forms when given certain specific arguments. Mathematica will automatically simplify special ...
PermutationWithCycle[n, {i, j, ...}] gives a size-n permutation in which {i, j, ...} is a cycle and all other elements are fixed points.
TopologicalSort[g] gives a permutation of the vertices of the directed acyclic graph g such that an edge (i, j) implies that vertex i appears before vertex j.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Zoom[{i, j, k, ...}] is a value that the PlotRange option can take on in ShowGraph. Setting PlotRange to this value zooms the display to contain the specified subset of ...
All the functionality in Algebra`Quaternions` is available in the newly created Quaternions Package.
ToSymbolicXML[expr] converts an expression expr to an appropriate XML format and returns the result as SymbolicXML.
Looping is a core concept in programming. Mathematica provides powerful primitives for specifying and controlling looping, not only in traditional procedural programming, but ...
DeclarePackage["context`", {"name_1", "name_2", ...}] declares that Needs["context`"] should automatically be executed if a symbol with any of the specified names is ever ...