(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Opacity[a] is a graphics directive which specifies that graphical objects which follow are to be displayed, if possible, with opacity a. Opacity[a, color] uses the specified ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) e_1 || e_2 || ... is the logical OR function. It evaluates its arguments in order, giving True immediately if any of them are True, and False if they are all False.
PermutationCycles[perm] gives a disjoint cycle representation of permutation perm.
Precision[x] gives the effective number of digits of precision in the number x.
The general form of a nonlinear second-order ODE is For simplicity, assume that the equation can be solved for the highest-order derivative y^ ′′(x) to give There are a few ...
If you type in an expression like 0/0, Mathematica prints a message, and returns the result Indeterminate. An expression like 0/0 is an example of an indeterminate numerical ...
CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
JarqueBeraALMTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Jarque\[Dash]Bera ALM test.JarqueBeraALMTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " property".
KuiperTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Kuiper test.KuiperTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed according to dist using the Kuiper ...
MardiaKurtosisTest[data] tests whether data follows a MultinormalDistribution using the Mardia kurtosis test.MardiaKurtosisTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " ...