RotateLeft[expr, n] cycles the elements in expr n positions to the left. RotateLeft[expr] cycles one position to the left. RotateLeft[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}] cycles elements ...
RotateRight[expr, n] cycles the elements in expr n positions to the right. RotateRight[expr] cycles one position to the right. RotateRight[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}] cycles ...
SatisfiabilityCount[bf] counts the number of possible combinations of variable values that yield True when supplied as arguments to the Boolean function ...
SoundNote[pitch] represents a music-like sound note with the specified pitch.SoundNote[pitch, t] takes the note to have duration t.SoundNote[pitch, {t_min, t_max}] takes the ...
SpheroidalRadialFactor[n, m, c] gives the spheroidal radial factor with degree n and order m.
SpheroidalS1Prime[n, m, \[Gamma], z] gives the derivative with respect to z of the radial spheroidal function S_n^m, (1)(\[Gamma], z) of the first kind.
TopologicalSort[g] gives a list of vertices of g in topologically sorted order for a directed acyclic graph g.
A Bernoulli equation is a first-order equation of the form The problem of solving equations of this type was posed by James Bernoulli in 1695. A year later, in 1696, G. ...
If you enter text in languages other than English, you will typically need to use various additional accented and other characters. If your computer system is set up in an ...
void MTensor_setComplex (MTensor t, mint*pos, mcomplex value) sets a single element of an MTensor of complex type.