The introduction of Mathematica 6 in 2007 represented a revolutionary redefinition of Mathematica. Arriving only 18 months after Mathematica 6, Mathematica 7 represents ...
Affymetrix microarray data formats. Family of file formats used for the storage and exchange of microarray data and meta-information. ASCII or binary formats. Native formats ...
LiftingWaveletTransform[data] gives the lifting wavelet transform (LWT) of an array of data.LiftingWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the lifting wavelet transform using the ...
Because GPUs are SIMD machines, to exploit CUDA's potential you must pose the problem in an SIMD manner. Computation that can be partitioned in such a way that each thread ...
DiscreteWaveletTransform[data] gives the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of an array of data.DiscreteWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the discrete wavelet transform using ...
DiscreteWaveletData[{wind_1 -> coef_1, ...}, wave, wtrans] yields a discrete wavelet data object with wavelet coefficients coef_i corresponding to wavelet index wind_i, ...
OpenCLFunctionLoad[prog, fun, argtypes, blockdims] loads fun from source code prog, returning an OpenCLFunction object.OpenCLFunctionLoad[{progfile}, fun, argtypes, ...
Mathematica has over 3000 built-in functions and other objects, all based on a single unified framework, and all carefully designed to work together, both in simple ...